Karl Ljung

Jag är lärare och forskare i kvartärgeolgi. Mitt huvudsakliga forskningsområde är senkvartära klimat- och miljöförändringar, speciellt med fokus på kopplingar mellan hav, atmosfär och biosfär. Jag arbetar med bland annat pollenanalys och organisk geokemi i sjöar, torvmarker och kustområden.
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Carbon isotope values of hazelnut shells: a new proxy for canopy density
Amy Styring, Elin Jirdén, Per Lagerås, Mikael Larsson, Arne Sjöström, et al.
(2024) Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology, 3 p.1-12
Artikel i tidskriftPalaeoenvironmental changes in eastern Crimea over the last 7600 years inferred from a multi-proxy study of a sediment archive from Lake Chokrak
Yevhenii Rohozin, Karl Ljung
(2024) Holocene, 34 p.175-188
Artikel i tidskriftRelationships Between Land Use and Terrestrial Organic Matter Transfer to the Baltic Sea Over the Last 500 Years
Bingjie Yang, Karl Ljung, Wenxin Ning, Helena L. Filipsson, Anne Birgitte Nielsen
(2024) Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 129
Artikel i tidskriftDiatom dynamics during the last six centuries in Lake Odensjön: a new varved sediment record from southern Sweden
Ethan Silvester, Karl Ljung, Richard Bindler, Hanna Hertzman, Giulia Lodi, et al.
(2024) Journal of Paleolimnology
Artikel i tidskriftDeglaciation history and subsequent lake dynamics in the Siljan region, south-central Sweden - LiDAR evidence and sediment records
Per Möller, Svante Björck, T.P.F. Dowling, Dan Hammarlund, Martin Jakobsson, et al.
Konferensbidrag: abstractSpruce bark beetles (Ips typographus) cause up to 700 times higher bark BVOC emission rates compared to healthy Norway spruce (Picea abies)
Erica Jaakkola, Antje Gärtner, Anna Maria Jönsson, Karl Ljung, Per-ola Olsson, et al.
(2023) Biogeosciences, 20 p.803-826
Artikel i tidskriftOrganic Carbon Burial in Constructed Ponds in Southern Sweden
Karl Ljung, Simon Lin
(2023) Earth Science, Systems and Society, 3 p.1-13
Artikel i tidskriftLong-term trajectories of non-native vegetation on islands globally
Anna Walentowitz, Bernd Lenzner, Franz Essl, Nichola Strandberg, Alvaro Castilla-Beltrán, et al.
(2023) Ecology Letters, 26 p.729-741
Artikel i tidskriftMineral Soils Are an Important Intermediate Storage Pool of Black Carbon in Fennoscandian Boreal Forests
Johan A. Eckdahl, Pere Casal Rodriguez, Jeppe A. Kristensen, Daniel B. Metcalfe, Karl Ljung
(2022) Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36
Artikel i tidskriftDeglaciation history and subsequent lake dynamics in the Siljan region, south-central Sweden, based on new LiDAR evidence and sediment records
Per Möller, Svante Björck, T.P.F. Dowling, Dan Hammarlund, Martin Jakobsson, et al.
(2022) Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 47 p.3515-3545
Artikel i tidskriftRecent Increased Loading of Carbonaceous Pollution from Biomass Burning in the Baltic Sea
Karl Ljung, Petra L. Schoon, Marcus Rudolf, Laurie M. Charrieau, Sha Ni, et al.
(2022) ACS Omega, 7 p.35102-35108
Artikel i tidskriftThe human dimension of biodiversity changes on islands
Sandra Nogué, Ana M.C. Santos, H. John, Svante Björck, Alvaro Castilla-Beltrán, et al.
(2021) Science, 372 p.488-491
Artikel i tidskriftA Phenomenographic Analysis Of Students’ Experience Of Geological Time
Jennie Mari Lundqvist, Kim Svensson, Karl Ljung, Urban Eriksson, Moa Eriksson
(2021) Journal of Astronomy & Earth Sciences Education (JAESE), 8 p.1-26
Artikel i tidskriftNaturvetarnas arbetsliv - resultat, utvärdering och slutsatser från alumnenkät 2019
Karl Ljung, Malin Olbe
RapportImpacts of long-term land use on terrestrial organic matter input to lakes based on lignin phenols in sediment records from a Swedish forest lake
Bingjie Yang, Karl Ljung, Anne Birgitte Nielsen, Elise Fahlgren, Dan Hammarlund
(2021) Science of the Total Environment, 774
Artikel i tidskriftQuantitative landscape reconstruction and erosion history during the past 1,100 years in the Skogaryd Research Catchment, southern Sweden
Bingjie Yang, Anne Birgitte Nielsen, Karl Ljung, Elise Fahlgren, Anne Hormes, et al.
(2020) Vegetation History and Archaeobotany
Artikel i tidskriftRelationship between precipitation and 10Be and impacts on soil dynamics
Peng Chen, Peng Yi, Markus Czymzik, Ala Aldahan, Karl Ljung, et al.
(2020) Catena, 195
Artikel i tidskriftMillennial-scale land-use changes and their effect on a small lake in southern Sweden based on pollen and lignin phenols
Bingjie Yang, Anne Birgitte Nielsen, Karl Ljung, Dan Hammarlund
Konferensbidrag: abstractA South Atlantic island record uncovers shifts in westerlies and hydroclimate during the last glacial
Svante Björck, Jesper Sjolte, Karl Ljung, Florian Adolphi, Roger Flower, et al.
(2019) Climate of the Past, 15 p.1939-1958
Artikel i tidskriftImpacts of land-use on terrestrial organic matter input to an aquatic ecosystem over the past millennium
Bingjie Yang, Anne Birgitte Nielsen, Karl Ljung, Elise Fahlgren, Anne Hormes, et al.
(2019) Conference Proceedings, 29th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry
KonferensbidragRapid environmental responses to climate-induced hydrographic changes in the Baltic Sea entrance
Laurie Charrieau, Karl Ljung, Frederik Schenck, Ute Daewel, Emma Kritzberg, et al.
(2019) Biogeosciences, 16 p.3835-3852
Artikel i tidskriftDecalcification and survival of benthic foraminifera under the combined impacts of varying pH and salinity
Laurie M. Charrieau, Helena L. Filipsson, Yukiko Nagai, Sachiko Kawada, Karl Ljung, et al.
(2018) Marine Environmental Research, 138 p.36-45
Artikel i tidskriftThe effects of multiple stressors on the distribution of coastal benthic foraminifera : A case study from the Skagerrak-Baltic Sea region
Laurie M. Charrieau, Helena L. Filipsson, Karl Ljung, Melissa Chierici, Karen Luise Knudsen, et al.
(2018) Marine Micropaleontology, 139 p.42-56
Artikel i tidskriftThe last termination in the central South Atlantic
Karl Ljung, Sofia Holmgren, Malin Kylander, Jesper Sjolte, Nathalie Van der Putten, et al.
(2015) Quaternary Science Reviews, 123 p.193-214
Artikel i tidskriftReconstruction of land-use change and erosion within the catchment of Lake Vomb in southern Sweden
Karl Ljung, Helena Alexanderson, Wenxin Ning, Anna Broström
(2014) , p.152-152
Konferensbidrag: abstractHolocene environmental changes on Nightingale Island, South Atlantic, based on diatom floristic changes in an infilled pond
Sofia Holmgren, Karl Ljung, Svante Björck
(2013) Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 378 p.45-51
Artikel i tidskriftHolocene relative sea-level changes in the inner Bredefjord area, southern Greenland
Charlotte Sparrenbom, Ole Bennike, Daniel Fredh, Linda Randsalu Wendrup, Dan Zwartz, et al.
(2013) Quaternary Science Reviews, 69 p.107-124
Artikel i tidskriftMulti-proxy analyses of a peat bog on Isla de los Estados, easternmost Tierra del Fuego: a unique record of the variable Southern Hemisphere Westerlies since the last deglaciation
Svante Björck, Mats Rundgren, Karl Ljung, Ingmar Unkel, Åsa Wallin
(2012) Quaternary Science Reviews, 42 p.1-14
Artikel i tidskriftLate Holocene environmental history on Tristan da Cunha, South Atlantic, based on diatom floristic changes and geochemistry in sediments of a volcanic crater lake
Sofia Holmgren, Karl Ljung, Svante Björck
(2012) Journal of Paleolimnology, 47 p.221-232
Artikel i tidskriftPossible Late Pleistocene volcanic activity on Nightingale Island, South Atlantic Ocean, based on geoelectrical resistivity measurements, sediment corings and (14)C dating
Anders Anker Bjork, Svante Björck, Anders Cronholm, James Haile, Karl Ljung, et al.
(2011) GFF, 133 p.141-147
Artikel i tidskriftA Holocene peat record in the central South Atlantic: an archive of precipitation changes
Hanna Lindvall, Svante Björck, Sofia Holmgren, Karl Ljung, Nathalie Van der Putten, et al.
(2011) GFF, 133 p.195-206
Artikel i tidskriftA pollen record of the last 450 years from a lowland peat bog on Tristan da Cunha, South Atlantic, implying early anthropogenic influence
Karl Ljung, Svante Björck
(2011) Journal of Quaternary Science, 26 p.688-693
Artikel i tidskriftRecords of environmental changes during the Holocene from Isla de los Estados (54.4 degrees S), southeastern Tierra del Fuego
Ingmar Unkel, Marilen Fernandez, Svante Björck, Karl Ljung, Barbara Wohlfarth
(2010) Global and Planetary Change, 74 p.99-113
Artikel i tidskriftRadiocarbon wiggle matching of Swedish lake varves reveals asynchronous climate changes around the 8.2 kyr cold event
Ian Snowball, Raimund Muscheler, Lovisa Zillén, Per Sandgren, Tania Stanton, et al.
(2010) Boreas, 39 p.720-733
Artikel i tidskriftSouth Atlantic Island record reveals a South Atlantic response to the 8.2 kyr event
Karl Ljung, Svante Björck, Hans Renssen, Dan Hammarlund
(2008) Climate of the Past, 4 p.35-45
Artikel i tidskriftHolocene climate and vegetation dynamics on Nightingale Island, South Atlantic – an apparent interglacial bipolar seesaw in action?
Karl Ljung, Svante Björck
(2007) Quaternary Science Reviews, 26 p.3150-3166
Artikel i tidskriftVariable Be-10 fluxes in lacustrine sediments from Tristan da Cunha, South Atlantic: a solar record?
Karl Ljung, Svante Björck, Raimund Muscheler, Juerg Beer, Peter Kubik
(2007) Quaternary Science Reviews, 26 p.829-835
Artikel i tidskriftIsla de los Estados – Quaternary geology and palaeoclimatology at the end of the world
Svante Björck, Christian Hjort, Karl Ljung, Per Möller, Barbara Wohlfarth
(2007) Polarforskninssekretariatets Årsbok 2006 (Polarforskninssekretariatets Årsbok) , p.44-49
Del av eller Kapitel i bokHolocene climate and environmental dynamics on the Tristan da Cunha island group, South Atlantic
Karl Ljung
(2007) Lundqua thesis
DoktorsavhandlingSevernaya Zemlya, Arctic Russia: a nucleation area for Kara Sea ice sheets during the Middle to Late Quaternary
Per Möller, D. Lubinski, Ó. Ingólfsson, S.L Forman, M-S. Siedenkrantz, et al.
(2006) Quaternary Science Reviews, 25 p.2894-2936
Artikel i tidskriftLate Holocene multi-proxy records of environmental change on the South Atlantic island Tristan da Cunha
Karl Ljung, Svante Björck, Dan Hammarlund, Lena Barnekow
(2006) Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 241 p.539-560
Artikel i tidskriftTristan da Cunha
Ole Bennike, Svante Björck, Dan Hammarlund, Karl Ljung
(2005) Naturens Verden, 88 p.10-23
Artikel i tidskriftA lacustrine record of the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary in southernmost Greenland
Karl Ljung, Svante Björck
(2004) GFF, 126 p.273-278
Artikel i tidskrift