Mats Rundgren
Min forskning handlar huvudsakligen om hur vegetation och klimat har påverkat varandra under den senaste istidscykeln (de senaste ca 130000 åren). En del av forskningen utgörs av studier av vegetationsetableringen efter den senaste istiden i subarktiska områden (Island, Färöarna, Nordskandinavien och Eldslandet) samt hur vegetationen senare har förändrats till följd av bl.a. klimatförändringar. En annan del av min forskning syftar till att undersöka om variationer i atmosfärens koldioxidhalt under holocen (de senaste ca 11700 åren) kan kopplas till förändringar i kolbalansen hos vegetation och torvmarker. På senare år har jag framför allt bedrivit detaljerade studier av torvmarker i södra Sverige för att bättre förstå hur mossevegetation, torvbildning och kolackumulation påverkas av klimatförändringar men även av mänsklig aktivitet. Gemensamt för de flesta av mina projekt är att de huvudsakligen baseras på analyser av subfossila växtrester från sjösediment- och torvlagerföljder.
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Holocene wet shifts in NW European bogs : evidence for the roles of external forcing and internal feedback from a high-resolution study of peat properties, plant macrofossils and testate amoebae
Mats Rundgren, Ulla Kokfelt, Kristian Schoning, Stefan Wastegård
(2023) Journal of Quaternary Science, 38 p.423-439
Artikel i tidskriftThe Integrated Use of Dendrochronological Data and Paleoecological Records From Northwest European Peatlands and Lakes for Understanding Long-Term Ecological and Climatic Changes—A Review
Johannes Edvardsson, Samuli Helama, Mats Rundgren, Anne Birgitte Nielsen
(2022) Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10
Artikel i tidskriftEnvironmental levels of radiocarbon in Lund, Sweden, prior to the start of the European Spallation Source
Kristina Eriksson Stenström, Göran Skog, Christian Bernhardsson, Sören Mattsson, Anne Birgitte Nielsen, et al.
(2022) Radiocarbon, 64 p.51-56
Artikel i tidskriftShoreline Displacement, Coastal Environments and Human Subsistence in the Hanö Bay Region during The Mesolithic
Anton Hansson, Adam Boethius, Dan Hammarlund, Per Lagerås, Magnell Ola, et al.
(2019) Quaternary, 2
Artikel i tidskriftTowards a Holocene tephrochronology for the Faroe Islands, North Atlantic
Stefan Wastegård, Esther R. Gudmundsdóttir, Ewa M. Lind, Rhys G.O. Timms, Svante Björck, et al.
(2018) Quaternary Science Reviews, 195 p.195-214
Artikel i tidskriftShoreline displacement and human resource utilization in the southern Baltic Basin coastal zone during the early Holocene: New insights from a submerged Mesolithic landscape in south-eastern Sweden
Anton Hansson, Svante Björck, Katja Heger, Sofia Holmgren, Hans Linderson, et al.
(2018) The Holocene, 28 p.721-737
Artikel i tidskriftA submerged Mesolithic lagoonal landscape in the Baltic Sea, south-eastern Sweden – Early Holocene environmental reconstruction and shore-level displacement based on a multiproxy approach
Anton Hansson, Björn Nilsson, Arne Sjöström, Svante Björck, Sofia Holmgren, et al.
(2018) Quaternary International, 463 p.110-123
Artikel i tidskriftDelayed maximum northern European summer temperatures during the Last Interglacial as a result of Greenland Ice Sheet melt
T. R. Jones, Chris S M Turney, B. Lang, S. J. Brooks, M. Rundgren, et al.
(2017) Geology, 45 p.23-26
Artikel i tidskriftThe effect of local land-use changes on floristic diversity during the past 1000 years in southern Sweden
Daniel Fredh, Florence Mazier, Petra Bragée, Per Lagerås, Mats Rundgren, et al.
(2017) Holocene, 27 p.694-711
Artikel i tidskriftEarly Holocene Landscape Development and Baltic Sea History Based on High-Resolution Bathymetry and Lagoonal Sediments in the Hanö Bay, Southern Sweden
Anton Hansson, Svante Björck, Hans Linderson, Mats Rundgren, Björn Nilsson, et al.
(2017) Coastal Research Library, 20 p.197-209
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDiatom blooms and associated vegetation shifts in a subarctic peatland : responses to distant volcanic eruptions?
U. Kokfelt, R. Muscheler, A. Mellström, E. Struyf, M. Rundgren, et al.
(2016) Journal of Quaternary Science, 31 p.723-730
Artikel i tidskriftLate-Holocene expansion of a south Swedish peatland and its impact on marginal ecosystems: Evidence from dendrochronology, peat stratigraphy and palaeobotanical data
Johannes Edvardsson, Anneli Poska, Nathalie Van der Putten, Mats Rundgren, Hans Linderson, et al.
(2014) The Holocene, 24 p.466-476
Artikel i tidskriftA database and synthesis of northern peatland soil properties and Holocene carbon and nitrogen accumulation
Julie Loisel, Zicheng Yu, David W. Beilman, Philip Camill, Jukka Alm, et al.
(2014) The Holocene, 24 p.1028-1042
Artikel i tidskriftDen skuggande läroplanen : integrerad kommunikationsträning i den geologiska kandidatutbildningen
Lena Adrielsson, Helena Alexanderson, Helena L. Filipsson, Mats Rundgren, Britta Smångs
(2014) Proceedings Utvecklingskonferens 13 – Att skriva för att leva, lära och lyckas , p.61-61
KonferensbidragPlant macrofossil methods and studies : CO2 Reconstruction from Fossil Leaves
M. Rundgren
(2013) Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science : Second Edition , p.2289-2297
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe impact of land-use change on floristic diversity at regional scale in southern Sweden 600 BC-AD 2008
Daniel Fredh, Anna Broström, Mats Rundgren, P. Lageras, F. Mazier, et al.
(2013) Biogeosciences, 10 p.3159-3173
Artikel i tidskriftMulti-proxy analyses of a peat bog on Isla de los Estados, easternmost Tierra del Fuego: a unique record of the variable Southern Hemisphere Westerlies since the last deglaciation
Svante Björck, Mats Rundgren, Karl Ljung, Ingmar Unkel, Åsa Wallin
(2012) Quaternary Science Reviews, 42 p.1-14
Artikel i tidskriftFloristic diversity in the transition from traditional to modern land-use in southern Sweden AD 1800-2008
Daniel Fredh, Anna Broström, Lovisa Zillén, Florence Mazier, Mats Rundgren, et al.
(2012) Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 21 p.439-452
Artikel i tidskriftHolocene peatland development and hydrological variability inferred from bog-pine dendrochronology and peat stratigraphy - a case study from southern Sweden
Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson, Mats Rundgren, Dan Hammarlund
(2012) Journal of Quaternary Science, 27 p.553-563
Artikel i tidskriftHolocene land-cover reconstructions for studies on land cover-climate feedbacks
M.-J. Gaillard, S. Sugita, Florence Mazier, J.O. Kaplan, A.-K. Trondman, et al.
(2010) Climate of the Past, 6 p.483-499
Artikel i tidskriftWetland development, permafrost history and nutrient cycling inferred from late Holocene peat and lake sediment records in subarctic Sweden
Ulla Kokfelt, Nina Reuss, Eric Struyf, Mats Sonesson, Mats Rundgren, et al.
(2010) Journal of Paleolimnology, 44 p.327-342
Artikel i tidskriftLake Ecosystem Responses to Holocene Climate Change at the Subarctic Tree-Line in Northern Sweden
Nina Reuss, Dan Hammarlund, Mats Rundgren, Ulf Segerstrom, Lars Eriksson, et al.
(2010) Ecosystems, 13 p.393-409
Artikel i tidskriftStatus of the Single Stage AMS machine at Lund University after 4 years of operation
Göran Skog, Mats Rundgren, Pia Sköld
(2010) Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms, 268 p.895-897
KonferensbidragDynamic early Holocene vegetation development on the Faroe Islands inferred from high-resolution plant macrofossil and pollen data
Gina E. Hannon, Mats Rundgren, Catherine A. Jessen
(2010) Quaternary Research, 73 p.163-172
Artikel i tidskriftEcosystem responses to increased precipitation and permafrost decay in subarctic Sweden inferred from peat and lake sediments
Ulla Kokfelt, Peter Rosén, Kristian Schoning, Torben Christensen, Johannes Förster, et al.
(2009) Global Change Biology, 15 p.1652-1663
Artikel i tidskriftVariability and seasonality of North Atlantic climate during the early Holocene: evidence from Faroe Island lake sediments
Catherine Jessen, Mats Rundgren, Svante Björck, Camilla Snowman Andresen, Daniel Conley
(2008) The Holocene, 18 p.851-860
Artikel i tidskriftAge, geochemistry and distribution of the mid-Holocene Hekla-S/Kebister tephra
Stefan Wastegård, Mats Rundgren, Kristian Schoning, Sofia Andersson, Svante Björck, et al.
(2008) The Holocene, 18 p.539-549
Artikel i tidskriftStratigraphy of peatlands in central and northern Sweden: evidence of Holocene climatic change and peat accumulation
Mats Rundgren
(2008) GFF, 130 p.95-107
Artikel i tidskriftEarly Holocene terrestrial climatic variability along a North Atlantic Island transect: palaeoceanographic implications
Camilla Snowman Andresen, Svante Björck, Catherine Jessen, Mats Rundgren
(2007) Quaternary Science Reviews, 26 p.1989-1998
Artikel i tidskriftClimate forced atmospheric CO2 variability in the early Holocene: A stomatal frequency reconstruction
Catherine Jessen, Mats Rundgren, Svante Björck, R. Muscheler
(2007) Global and Planetary Change, 57 p.247-260
Artikel i tidskriftKlimatet under kvartärtiden – vinglig resa, många förare
Mats Rundgren, Svante Björck
(2007) Geologiskt Forum, 14 p.10-15
Artikel i tidskriftRapid Holocene climate changes in the North Atlantic: evidence from lake sediments from the Faroe Islands
Camilla Snowman Andresen, Svante Björck, Mats Rundgren, DJ Conley, Catherine Jessen
(2006) Boreas, 35 p.23-34
Artikel i tidskriftDen senaste istidscykeln
Lena Adrielsson, Svante Björck, Mats Rundgren
(2006) Geobiosfären, en introduktion , p.429-463
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe role of inter-specific, micro-habitat and climatic factors on the carbon isotope (delta C-13) variability of a modern leaf assemblage from northern Scandinavia: implications for climate reconstruction
N J Loader, Mats Rundgren
(2006) Boreas, 35 p.188-201
Artikel i tidskriftLast interglacial atmospheric CO2 changes from stomatal index data and their relation to climate variations
Mats Rundgren, Svante Björck, Dan Hammarlund
(2005) Global and Planetary Change, 49 p.47-62
Artikel i tidskriftAbrupt climatic changes and an unstable transition into a late Holocene Thermal Decline: a multiproxy lacustrine record from southern Sweden
Catherine Jessen, Mats Rundgren, Svante Björck, Dan Hammarlund
(2005) Journal of Quaternary Science, 20 p.349-362
Artikel i tidskriftLate-glacial and early Holocene variations in atmospheric CO2 concentration indicated by high-resolution stomatal index data
Mats Rundgren, Svante Björck
(2003) Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 213 p.191-204
Artikel i tidskriftFossil leaves: Effective bioindicators of ancient CO2 levels?
Mats Rundgren, D Beerling
(2003) Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 4
Artikel i tidskriftStable carbon isotope composition of terrestrial leaves: inter- and intraspecies variability, cellulose and whole-leaf tissue difference, and potential for climate reconstruction
Mats Rundgren, NJ Loader, Dan Hammarlund
(2003) Journal of Quaternary Science, 18 p.583-590
Artikel i tidskriftCentury-scale changes of atmospheric CO2 during the last interglacial
Mats Rundgren, O Bennike
(2002) Geology, 30 p.187-189
Artikel i tidskriftLeaf metabolic and morphological responses of dwarf willow (Salix herbacea) in the sub-arctic to the past 9000 years of global environmental change
D. J. Beerling, M. Rundgren
(2000) New Phytologist, 145 p.257-269
Artikel i tidskriftVariations in the carbon isotope composition of late-Holocene plant macrofossils : A comparison of whole-leaf and cellulose trends
M. Rundgren, N. J. Loader, D. J. Beerling
(2000) Holocene, 10 p.149-154
Artikel i tidskriftPlant survival in Iceland during periods of glaciation?
Mats Rundgren, Ólafur Ingólfsson
(1999) Journal of Biogeography, 26 p.387-396
Artikel i tidskriftA holocene CO2 record from the stomatal index of subfossil Salix herbacea L. leaves from northern Sweden
Mats Rundgren, David Beerling
(1999) Holocene, 9 p.509-513
Artikel i tidskriftA summary of the environmental history of the Skagi peninsula, northern Iceland, 11,300-7800 BP
Mats Rundgren
(1999) Jökull, 47 p.1-20
Artikel i tidskriftEarly-holocene vegetation of northern Iceland : Pollen and plant macrofossil evidence from the Skagi peninsula
Mats Rundgren
(1998) Holocene, 8 p.553-564
Artikel i tidskriftThe Preboreal oscillation around the Nordic Seas : Terrestrial and lacustrine responses
S. Björck, M. Rundgren, Ó Ingólfsson, S. Funder
(1997) Journal of Quaternary Science, 12 p.455-465
Artikel i tidskriftDynamic sea-level change during the last deglaciation of northern Iceland
Mats Rundgren, Ólafur Ingólfsson, Svante Björck, Hui Jiang, Haflidi Haflidason
(1997) Boreas, 26 p.201-215
Artikel i tidskriftLate Weichselian and early Holocene changes of vegetation, climate and sea level on the Skagi peninsula, northern Iceland
Mats Rundgren
(1997) Lundqua thesis
DoktorsavhandlingGlacial and climatic events in Iceland reflecting regional North Atlantic climatic shifts during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition
Ólafur Ingólfsson, Svante Björck, Haflidi Haflidason, Mats Rundgren
(1997) Quaternary Science Reviews, 16 p.1135-1144
Artikel i tidskriftBiostratigraphic Evidence of the Allerød-Younger Dryas-Preboreal Oscillation in Northern Iceland
Mats Rundgren
(1995) Quaternary Research, 44 p.405-416
Artikel i tidskrift