Ulf Söderlund
Tillsammans med forskare i Kanada koordinerar jag ett internationellt project: Reconstruction of Supercontinents Back To 2.7 Ga Using The Large Igneous Province (LIP) Record, With Implications For Mineral Deposit Targeting, Hydrocarbon Resource Exploration, and Earth System Evolution. Projekt är finansierat av olje- och prospekteringsindustin samt NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) med syfte att få kännedom om hur jordens kontinenter suttit ihop under geologisk tid. Åldersbestämningar av regionala gångsvärmar (diabas) och anda magmatiska provinser generar en s.k. magmatisk ålderskod som är delvis unik för varje kontinent. Kontinenter vars koder överensstämmer under en viss tidsperiod indikerar att dessa satt ihop i en större landmassa under den perioden. Vi har utvecklat en speciell teknik för separation av baddeleyit (ZrO2) som är ett nyckelmineral för datering av basiska bergarter, och har regelbundna besök av forskare från hela världen som vill lära sig vår teknik. Tillsammans med Phd- och MSc-studenter utför vi arbete i Sydafrika, Zimbabwe, Ukraina, Sibirien, Brasilien, Indien, västra Afrika samt på Grönland. Mer information of projektet finns på www.supercontinent.org.
Jag är också intresserad av att utveckla nya metoder för åldersdatering samt finna nya tillämpningar för idag existerande tekniker. Jag är speciellt intresserad av korrelation mellan de kronologiska och biostratigrafiska tidsskalorna. Genom studier av fossil i olika nivåer i en lagerföljd kan man se hur livet utvecklats under årmiljonerna. Här kan man också finna spår av plötsliga händelser (vulkanutbrott, meteoritnedslag, snabba klimatförändringar, etc.), av vilka vissa resulterade i massutdöende. Mina resultat kan i bästa fall svara på frågor rörande hur snabbt och ofta sådana förändringar skett under jordens historia.
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Iron-rich Ca–Mg skarns from the SW East European Craton (Lithuania) : Microstructural study, mineral reactions and direct age constraints of ore-forming events using LA-ICPMS
Grazina Skridlaite, Laurynas Siliauskas, Ulf Söderlund, Tomas Næraa
(2024) Lithos, 482-483
Artikel i tidskriftCongo-São Francisco craton in Paleoproterozoic-Mesoproterozoic supercontinent Nuna
Johanna Salminen, David A.D. Evans, Ricardo I.F. Trindade, Richard Hanson, Ulf Söderlund, et al.
(2024) Precambrian Research, 406
Artikel i tidskriftThe Mutare–Fingeren dyke swarm : the enigma of the Kalahari Craton’s exit from supercontinent Rodinia
Ashley P. Gumsley, Michiel de Kock, Richard Ernst, Anna Gumsley, Richard Hanson, et al.
(2024) Geological Society Special Publication, 537 p.359-380
Artikel i tidskrift980-970 Ma Sette-Daban event of the Siberian craton : new geochronological and geochemical data, relationship to LIP and potential connection with other LIPs
Aleksandr D. Savelev, A. K. Khudoley, S. V. Malyshev, K. R. Chamberlain, R. E. Ernst, et al.
(2024) International Geology Review, 66 p.3606-3629
Artikel i tidskriftThe Greater Cederberg−False Bay Large Igneous Province in South Africa : A southern node of widespread magmatism associated with South Atlantic rifting
C. G. Kingsbury, W. Altermann, J. Kramers, R. E. Ernst, U. Söderlund, et al.
(2023) South African Journal of Geology, 126 p.471-484
M. D. Tomshin, R. E. Ernst, U. Söderlund, A. V. Okrugin
(2023) Geodynamics and Tectonophysics, 14
Artikel i tidskriftIdentification of the ca. 720 Ma Irkutsk LIP and its plume centre in southern Siberia : The initiation of Laurentia-Siberia separation
R. E. Ernst, D. P. Gladkochub, U. Söderlund, T. V. Donskaya, S. A. Pisarevsky, et al.
(2023) Precambrian Research, 394
Artikel i tidskriftThe robustness of the Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd isotopic systems during metamorphism – And case study of the Åker metabasite in southern Sweden
Andreas Petersson, Ulf Söderlund, Anders Scherstén, Tod Waight, Mimmi K.M. Nilsson, et al.
(2023) Precambrian Research, 394
Artikel i tidskrift1.79–1.75 Ga mafic magmatism of the Siberian craton and late Paleoproterozoic paleogeography
D. P. Gladkochub, T. V. Donskaya, S. A. Pisarevsky, R. E. Ernst, U. Söderlund, et al.
(2022) Precambrian Research, 370
Artikel i tidskriftReidite discovered in the Triassic distal impact ejecta deposit of southwest Britain
A. Plan, P. Lindgren, T. M. Erickson, U. Söderlund
Konferensbidrag: abstractReidite discovered in the Triassic distal impact ejecta deposit of southwest Britain
A. Plan, P. Lindgren, T. M. Erickson, U. Söderlund
AffischExistence of the Dharwar–Bastar–Singhbhum (DHABASI) megacraton since 3.35 Ga : constraints from the Precambrian large igneous province record
Rajesh K. Srivastava, Richard E. Ernst, Ulf Söderlund, Amiya K. Samal, Om Prakash Pandey, et al.
(2022) Geological Society Special Publication, 518 p.173-196
Del av eller Kapitel i bokAge, geochemistry, and origin of the mid-Proterozoic Häme mafic dyke swarm, southern Finland
Arto Luttinen, Elina Lehtonen, Katja Bohm, Tanja Lindholm, Ulf Söderlund, et al.
(2022) Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, 94 p.75-102
Artikel i tidskriftU-Pb baddeleyite age for the Ottfjället Dyke Swarm, central Scandinavian Caledonides : new constraints on the timing of the Baltoscandian Dyke Swarm, opening of the Iapetus Ocean and Neoproterozoic glaciation of Baltica–comment on the inferred age of Neoproterozoic glaciation on Baltica–a reply
Risto A. Kumpulainen, Mike A. Hamilton, Ulf Söderlund, Johan Petter Nystuen
(2022) GFF, 144 p.155-155
Artikel i tidskriftLate Paleoproterozoic mafic magmatism and the Kalahari craton during Columbia assembly
Cedric Djeutchou, Michiel O. de Kock, Hervé Wabo, Camilo E. Gaitán, Ulf Söderlund, et al.
(2021) Geology, 49 p.1375-1380
Artikel i tidskriftReorienting the West African craton in Paleoproterozoic–Mesoproterozoic supercontinent Nuna
Zheng Gong, David A.D. Evans, Nasrrddine Youbi, Abdelhak Ait Lahna, Ulf Söderlund, et al.
(2021) Geology, 49 p.1171-1176
Artikel i tidskriftExceptional preservation of reidite in the Rochechouart impact structure, France: New insights into shock deformation and phase transition of zircon
Anders Plan, Gavin G. Kenny, Timmons M. Erickson, Paula Lindgren, Carl Alwmark, et al.
(2021) Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 56 p.1795-1828
Artikel i tidskriftA Ca. 2.25 Ga mafic dyke swarm discovered in the Bastar craton, Central India : Implications for a widespread plume-generated large Igneous Province (LIP) in the Indian shield
Rajesh K. Srivastava, Ulf Söderlund, Richard E. Ernst, Gulab C. Gautam
(2021) Precambrian Research, 360
Artikel i tidskriftDiscussion on ‘from pan-african transpression to cadomian transtension at the west african margin : New u–pb zircon ages from the eastern saghro inlier (anti-atlas, morocco)’ by errami et al. 2020 (sp503, 209–233)
Moha Ikenne, Andrey Bekker, Richard E. Ernst, Nasrreddine Youbi, Abdelhak Ait Lahna, et al.
(2021) Journal of the Geological Society, 178
Artikel i tidskriftU-Pb baddeleyite age for the Ottfjället Dyke Swarm, central Scandinavian Caledonides : new constraints on Ediacaran opening of the Iapetus Ocean and glaciations on Baltica
R. A. Kumpulainen, M. A. Hamilton, U. Söderlund, J. P. Nystuen
(2021) GFF, 143 p.40-54
Artikel i tidskriftThe early Statherian (ca. 1800–1750 Ma) Prutivka-Novogol large igneous province of Sarmatia : Geochronology and implication for the Nuna/Columbia supercontinent reconstruction
Leonid Shumlyanskyy, Richard E. Ernst, Aleksander Albekov, Ulf Söderlund, Simon A. Wilde, et al.
(2021) Precambrian Research, 358
Artikel i tidskriftThe effect of low-temperature annealing on discordance of U–Pb zircon ages
Maria Herrmann, Ulf Söderlund, Anders Scherstén, Tomas Næraa, Sanna Holm-Alwmark, et al.
(2021) Scientific Reports, 11
Artikel i tidskriftMajor-trace element and Sr-Nd isotope compositions of mafic dykes of the Singhbhum Craton : Insights into evolution of the lithospheric mantle
Om Prakash Pandey, Klaus Mezger, Dewashish Upadhyay, Debajyoti Paul, Ajay Kumar Singh, et al.
(2021) Lithos, 382-383
Artikel i tidskriftIdentification of a new 485 Ma post-orogenic mafic dyke swarm east of the Pan-African Saldania-Gariep Belt of South Africa
Cole G. Kingsbury, Martin B. Klausen, Ulf Söderlund, Wladyslaw Altermann, Richard E. Ernst
(2021) Precambrian Research, 354
Artikel i tidskriftThe Central Iapetus magmatic province : An updated review and link with the ca. 580 Ma Gaskiers glaciation
Nasrrddine Youbi, Richard E. Ernst, Ulf Söderlund, Moulay Ahmed Boumehdi, Abdelhak Ait Lahna, et al.
(2020) Special Paper of the Geological Society of America, 544 p.35-66
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMapping mafic dyke swarms, structural features, and hydrothermal alteration zones in Atar, Ahmeyim and Chami areas (Reguibat Shield, Northern Mauritania) using high-resolution aeromagnetic and gamma-ray spectrometry data
Moussa Hamath Ba, Mohammed Jaffal, Khalidou Lo, Nasrrddine Youbi, Mohamed El Mokhtar Dahmada, et al.
(2020) Journal of African Earth Sciences, 163
Artikel i tidskriftRevised stratigraphic framework for the lower Anti-Atlas supergroup based on U–Pb geochronology of magmatic and detrital zircons (Zenaga and Bou Azzer-El Graara inliers, Anti-Atlas Belt, Morocco)
Abdelhak Ait Lahna, Nasrrddine Youbi, Colombo Celso Gaeta Tassinari, Miguel Angelo Stipp Basei, Richard E. Ernst, et al.
(2020) Journal of African Earth Sciences, 171
Artikel i tidskriftSpatial and temporal distribution patterns of Precambrian mafic dyke swarms in northern Mauritania (West African craton) : analysis and results from remote-sensing interpretation, geographical information systems (GIS), Google Earth ™ images, and regional geology
Moussa Hamath Ba, Hassan Ibouh, Khalidou Lo, Nassrddine Youbi, Mohammed Jaffal, et al.
(2020) Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13
Artikel i tidskriftSpatial and temporal distribution of Large Igneous Provinces in the Indian Shield - Highlights of recent investigations
Rajesh K. Srivastava, Amiya K. Samal, Richard E. Ernst, Ulf Söderlund, Ravi Shankar
(2020) Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 86 p.313-330
Artikel i tidskriftGeochronology, whole-rock geochemistry and Sr-Nd isotopes of the Bhanupratappur mafic dyke swarm : Evidence for a common Paleoproterozoic LIP event at 2.37–2.36 Ga in the Bastar and Dharwar cratons
Om Prakash Pandey, Klaus Mezger, Ulf Söderlund, Dewashish Upadhyay, Rajesh K. Srivastava, et al.
(2020) Precambrian Research, 347
Artikel i tidskriftNeoarchean large igneous provinces on the Kaapvaal Craton in southern Africa re-define the formation of the Ventersdorp Supergroup and its temporal equivalents
Ashley Gumsley, Joaen Stamsnijder, Emilie Larsson, Ulf Söderlund, Tomas Naeraa, et al.
(2020) Geological Society of America Bulletin, 132 p.1829-1844
Artikel i tidskriftDepositional history and provenance of cratonic “Purana” basins in southern India : A multipronged geochronology approach to the Proterozoic Kaladgi and Bhima basins
Sojen Joy, Sarbani Patranabis-Deb, Dilip Saha, Hielke Jelsma, Roland Maas, et al.
(2019) Geological Journal, 54 p.2957-2979
Artikel i tidskriftEmplacement ages of Paleoproterozoic mafic dyke swarms in eastern Dharwar craton, India : Implications for paleoreconstructions and support for a ∼30° change in dyke trends from south to north
Ulf Söderlund, Wouter Bleeker, Kursad Demirer, Rajesh K. Srivastava, Michael Hamilton, et al.
(2019) Precambrian Research, 329 p.26-43
D. P. Gladkochub, T. V. Donskaya, R. E. Ernst, U. Söderlund, A. M. Mazukabzov, et al.
(2019) Geodynamics and Tectonophysics, 10 p.829-839
Artikel i tidskriftCooling history and age of magnetization of a deep intrusion : A new 1.7 Ga key pole and Svecofennian-post Svecofennian APWP for Baltica
Sten Åke Elming, Paul Layer, Ulf Söderlund
(2019) Precambrian Research, 329 p.182-194
Artikel i tidskriftPrecambrian mafic dyke swarms in the Singhbhum craton (eastern India) and their links with dyke swarms of the eastern Dharwar craton (southern India) – Reply
Rajesh K. Srivastava, Ulf Söderlund, Richard E. Ernst, Sisir K. Mondal, Amiya K. Samal
(2019) Precambrian Research, 329 p.23-25
Artikel i tidskriftPhosphorus and Potassium Metasomatic Enrichment in the Mantle Source of the c. 1450-1425 Ma Michael-Shabogamo Gabbro of Eastern Laurentia
Chris Rogers, Brian Cousens, Richard E. Ernst, Ulf Söderlund
(2019) Journal of Petrology, 60 p.57-83
Artikel i tidskriftPetrogenesis of Paleo-Mesoproterozoic mafic rocks in the southwestern Yangtze Block of South China : Implications for tectonic evolution and paleogeographic reconstruction
Guimei Lu, Wei Wang, Richard E. Ernst, Ulf Söderlund, Zufan Lan, et al.
(2019) Precambrian Research, 322 p.66-84
Artikel i tidskriftPrecambrian mafic dyke swarms in the Singhbhum craton (eastern India) and their links with dyke swarms of the eastern Dharwar craton (southern India)
Rajesh K. Srivastava, Ulf Söderlund, Richard E. Ernst, Sisir K. Mondal, Amiya K. Samal
(2019) Precambrian Research, 329 p.5-17
Artikel i tidskriftThe 920–900 Ma Bahia-Gangila LIP of the São Francisco and Congo cratons and link with Dashigou-Chulan LIP of North China craton : New insights from U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry
Alexandre de Oliveira Chaves, Richard E. Ernst, Ulf Söderlund, Xinping Wang, Tomas Naeraa
(2019) Precambrian Research, 329 p.124-137
Artikel i tidskriftNeoarchean-mesoproterozoic mafic dyke swarms of the indian shield mapped using google earth™ images and arcgis™, and links with large igneous provinces
Amiya K. Samal, Rajesh K. Srivastava, Richard E. Ernst, Ulf Söderlund
(2019) Springer Geology , p.335-390
Del av eller Kapitel i bokConstraining the chronology of the mashishing dykes from the eastern kaapvaal craton in South Africa
H. Wabo, F. Humbert, M. O. de Kock, G. Belyanin, U. Söderlund, et al.
(2019) Springer Geology , p.215-261
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe precambrian mafic magmatic record, including large igneous provinces of the kalahari craton and its constituents : A paleogeographic review
M. O. de Kock, A. P. Gumsley, M. B. Klausen, U. Söderlund, C. Djeutchou
(2019) Springer Geology , p.155-214
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDyke Swarms : Keys for Precambrian Paleogeographic Reconstruction – Proceedings of the Seventh International Dyke Conference
Peng Peng, Richard E. Ernst, Ulf Söderlund, Michael Hamilton
(2019) Precambrian Research, 329 p.1-4
Artikel i tidskriftNew U–PB baddeleyite ages of mafic dyke swarms of the west African and amazonian cratons : Implication for their configuration in supercontinents through time
L. Baratoux, U. Söderlund, R. E. Ernst, E. de Roever, M. W. Jessell, et al.
(2019) Springer Geology , p.263-314
Del av eller Kapitel i bokPaleomagnetism, magnetic anisotropy and U-Pb baddeleyite geochronology of the early Neoproterozoic Blekinge-Dalarna dolerite dykes, Sweden
Zheng Gong, David A.D. Evans, Sten Åke Elming, Ulf Söderlund, Johanna M. Salminen
(2018) Precambrian Research, 317 p.14-32
Artikel i tidskriftFirst evidence of Archean mafic dykes at 2.62 Ga in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia : Links to cratonisation and the Zimbabwe Craton
J. Camilla Stark, Simon A. Wilde, Ulf Söderlund, Zheng Xiang Li, Birger Rasmussen, et al.
(2018) Precambrian Research, 317 p.1-13
Artikel i tidskriftGeochemistry and U-Pb geochronology of 1590 and 1550 Ma mafic dyke swarms of western Laurentia : Mantle plume magmatism shared with Australia
C. Rogers, S. L. Kamo, U. Söderlund, M. A. Hamilton, R. E. Ernst, et al.
(2018) Lithos, 314-315 p.216-235
Artikel i tidskriftDirect Mesoproterozoic connection of the Congo and Kalahari cratons in proto-Africa : Strange attractors across supercontinental cycles
Johanna Salminen, Richard Hanson, David A.D. Evans, Zheng Gong, Tierney Larson, et al.
(2018) Geology, 46 p.1011-1014
Artikel i tidskriftU-Pb Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Povungnituk Group of the Cape Smith Belt : Part of a Craton-Scale Circa 2.0 Ga Minto-Povungnituk Large Igneous Province, Northern Superior Craton
N. Kastek, R. E. Ernst, B. L. Cousens, S. L. Kamo, W. Bleeker, et al.
(2018) Lithos, 320-321 p.315-331
Artikel i tidskriftNature of three episodes of Paleoproterozoic magmatism (2180 Ma, 2115 Ma and 1890 Ma) in the Liaoji belt, North China with implications for tectonic evolution
Xinping Wang, Peng Peng, Chong Wang, Shuyan Yang, Ulf Söderlund, et al.
(2017) Precambrian Research, 298 p.252-267
Artikel i tidskriftNew constraints on the geochronology and Sm-Nd isotopic characteristics of Bas-Drâa mafic dykes, Anti-Atlas of Morocco
Abdelhakim El Bahat, Moha Ikenne, Brian Cousens, Ulf Söderlund, Richard Ernst, et al.
(2017) Journal of African Earth Sciences, 127 p.77-87
Artikel i tidskriftA c. 1710 Ma mafic sill emplaced into a quartzite and calcareous series from Ighrem, Anti-Atlas – Morocco : Evidence that the Taghdout passive margin sedimentary group is nearly 1 Ga older than previously thought
Moha Ikenne, Ulf Söderlund, Richard E. Ernst, Christian Pin, Nasrrddine Youbi, et al.
(2017) Journal of African Earth Sciences, 127 p.62-76
Artikel i tidskriftTiming and tempo of the Great Oxidation Event
Ashley P. Gumsley, Kevin R. Chamberlain, Wouter Bleeker, Ulf Söderlund, Michiel O. de Kock, et al.
(2017) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114 p.1811-1816
Artikel i tidskriftZircon growth during progressive recrystallization of Gabbro to Garnet Amphibolite, Eastern Segment, Sveconorwegian orogen
Victoria Beckman, Charlotte Möller, Ulf Söderlund, Jenny Andersson
(2017) Journal of Petrology, 58 p.167-188
Artikel i tidskriftDyke swarms : keys to paleogeographic reconstructions
Peng Peng, Richard E. Ernst, Guiting Hou, Ulf Söderlund, Shuanhong Zhang, et al.
(2016) Science Bulletin, 61 p.1669-1671
Artikel i tidskriftThe Timing of the Palaeoproterozoic Great Oxidation Event using Dykes, Sills and Bolcanics of the Ongeluk Large Igneous Province, Kaapvaal Craton
Ashley P. Gumsley, Kevin R. Chamberlain, Wouter Bleeker, Ulf SÖderlund, Michiel O. De Kock, et al.
(2016) Acta Geologica Sinica, 90 p.67-68
Artikel i tidskriftMorocco, North Africa : a Dyke Swarm Bonanza
Nasrrddine Youbi, Richard E. Ernst, Ulf SÖderlund, Moulay Ahmed Boumehdi, Mohamed Khalil Bensalah, et al.
(2016) Acta Geologica Sinica, 90 p.15-15
Artikel i tidskriftGeochronology of Mafic Intrusions
Ulf Söderlund
(2016) Acta Geologica Sinica, 90 p.83-83
Artikel i tidskriftNeoarchaean-Palaeoproterozoic Mafic Dyke Swarms from the Singhbhum Granite Complex, Singhbhum Craton, Eastern India : Implications for Identification of Large Igneous Provinces and Their Possible Continuation on Other Formerly Adjacent Crustal Blocks
Rajesh K. Srivastava, Ulf Söderlund, Richard E. Ernst, Sisir K. Mondal, Amiya K. Samal
(2016) Acta Geologica Sinica, 90 p.17-18
Artikel i tidskriftRefining the Stratigraphy of the Taghdout Group by Using the U-Pb Geochronology of the Taghdout Sill (Zenaga inlier, Anti-Atlas, Morocco)
Abdelhak Ait Lahna, Colombo Celso Gaeta Tassinari, Nasrrddine Youbi, Hassan Admou, João Mata, et al.
(2016) Acta Geologica Sinica, 90 p.1-1
Artikel i tidskriftGeochronological, Geochemical and Paleomagnetic Clues for Existence of a ∼2.1Ga Dyke Generation in the Mashishing Area, South Africa
Hervé Wabo, Georgy Belyanin, Michiel O. de Kock, Fabien Humbert, Ulf Söderlund, et al.
(2016) Acta Geologica Sinica, 90 p.71-71
Artikel i tidskriftDistribution and U-Pb Ages of Newly Recognized Regional-Scale Dyke Swarms of the Leo Man Craton
L. Baratoux, M. W. Jessell, Ulf Söderlund, R. E. Ernst, M. Benoit, et al.
(2016) Acta Geologica Sinica, 90 p.29-29
Artikel i tidskriftAge and Geochemical Characteristics of Major Mafic Dyke Swarms in the Southern Part of the Siberian Craton
Tatiana V. Donskaya, Dmitry P. Gladkochub, Richard E. Ernst, Sergei A. Pisarevsky, Anatoliy M. Mazukabzov, et al.
(2016) Acta Geologica Sinica, 90 p.125-126
Artikel i tidskriftProterozoic Dyke Swarms of the Siberian Craton and Their Geodynamic Implications
Dmitry P. Gladkochub, Tatiana V. Donskaya, Richard E. Ernst, Sergei A. Pisarevsky, Michael T D Wingate, et al.
(2016) Acta Geologica Sinica, 90 p.6-7
Artikel i tidskriftLong-lived connection between southern Siberia and northern Laurentia in the Proterozoic
R. E. Ernst, M. A. Hamilton, U. Söderlund, J. A. Hanes, D. P. Gladkochub, et al.
(2016) Nature Geoscience, 9 p.464-469
Artikel i tidskriftRelationship between platinum-bearing ultramafic-mafic intrusions and large igneous provinces (exemplified by the Siberian Craton)
A. S. Mekhonoshin, R. Ernst, U. Soderlund, Michael A. Hamilton, T. B. Kolotilina, et al.
(2016) Russian Geology and Geophysics, 57 p.822-833
Artikel i tidskriftThe 1501 Ma Kuonamka Large Igneous Province of northern Siberia : U-Pb geochronology, geochemistry, and links with coeval magmatism on other crustal blocks
R. E. Ernst, A. V. Okrugin, R. V. Veselovskiy, S. L. Kamo, Michael A. Hamilton, et al.
(2016) Russian Geology and Geophysics, 57 p.653-671
Artikel i tidskriftNew U–Pb geochronologic and palaeomagnetic constraints on the late Palaeoproterozoic Hartley magmatic event : evidence for a potential large igneous province in the Kaapvaal Craton during Kalahari assembly, South Africa
Farnaz Alebouyeh Semami, Michiel de Kock, Ulf Söderlund, Ashley Gumsley, Richard da Silva, et al.
(2016) GFF, 138 p.164-182
Artikel i tidskriftMafic magmatism in the Bakhuis Granulite Belt (western Suriname) : relationship with charnockite magmatism and UHT metamorphism
Martijn Klaver, Emond W F de Roever, Antonia C D Thijssen, Wouter Bleeker, Ulf Söderlund, et al.
(2016) GFF, 138 p.203-218
Artikel i tidskriftMesoproterozoic dykes in the Timmiarmiit area, Southeast Greenland : evidence for a continuous Gardar dyke swarm across Greenland’s North Atlantic Craton
A. Bartels, Mimmi Nilsson, M. B. Klausen, U. Söderlund
(2016) GFF, 138 p.255-275
Artikel i tidskriftBaddeleyite U–Pb ages and gechemistry of the 1875–1835 Ma Black Hills Dyke Swarm across north-eastern South Africa : part of a trans-Kalahari Craton back-arc setting?
Johan Olsson, M. B. Klausen, M. A. Hamilton, N. März, U. Söderlund, et al.
(2016) GFF, 138 p.183-202
Artikel i tidskriftA Devonian >2000-km-long dolerite dyke swarm-belt and associated basalts along the Urals-Novozemelian fold-belt : part of an East-European (Baltica) LIP tracing the Tuzo Superswell
Victor Puchkov, Richard E. Ernst, Michael A. Hamilton, Ulf Söderlund, Nina Sergeeva
(2016) GFF, 138 p.6-16
Artikel i tidskriftU–Pb baddeleyite geochronology and geochemistry of the White Mfolozi Dyke Swarm : unravelling the complexities of 2.70–2.66 Ga dyke swarms across the eastern Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa
Ashley Gumsley, Johan Rådman, Ulf Söderlund, Martin Klausen
(2016) GFF, 138 p.115-132
Artikel i tidskriftNew U–Pb age and paleomagnetic constraints from the Uitkomst Complex, South Africa : clues to the timing of intrusion
H. Wabo, Johan Olsson, M. O. de Kock, F. Humbert, U. Söderlund, et al.
(2016) GFF, 138 p.152-163
Artikel i tidskriftU-Pb baddeleyite dating of the Proterozoic Pará de Minas dyke swarm in the São Francisco craton (Brazil) – implications for tectonic correlation with the Siberian, Congo and North China cratons
Julia Cederberg, Ulf Söderlund, Elson P. Oliveira, Richard E. Ernst, Sergei A. Pisarevsky
(2016) GFF, 138 p.219-240
Artikel i tidskriftNew U–Pb ages for mafic dykes in the Northwestern region of the Ukrainian shield : coeval tholeiitic and jotunitic magmatism
Leonid Shumlyanskyy, Richard E. Ernst, Ulf Söderlund, Kjell Billström, Oleksandr Mitrokhin, et al.
(2016) GFF, 138 p.79-85
Artikel i tidskriftPaleomagnetism and chronology of B-1 marginal sills of the Bushveld Complex from the eastern Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa
H. Wabo, M. O. de Kock, M. B. Klausen, U. Söderlund, N. J. Beukes
(2016) GFF, 138 p.133-151
Artikel i tidskriftNew advances in using large igneous provinces (LIPs) to reconstruct ancient supercontinents
Ulf Söderlund, Martin B. Klausen, Richard E. Ernst, W. Bleeker
(2016) GFF, 138 p.1-5
Artikel i tidskriftReturn to Rodinia? Moderate to high palaeolatitude of the São Francisco/Congo craton at 920 Ma
D. A D Evans, R. I F Trindade, E. L. Catelani, M. S. D'Agrella-Filho, L. M. Heaman, et al.
(2015) Geological Society Special Publication, 424 p.167-190
Del av eller Kapitel i bokNew U–Pb baddeleyite age, and AMS and paleomagnetic data for dolerites in the Lake Onega region belonging to the 1.98–1.95 Ga regional Pechenga–Onega Large Igneous Province
Natalia V. Lubnina, Alexandra V. Stepanova, Richard E. Ernst, Mimmi Nilsson, Ulf Söderlund
(2015) GFF, 138 p.54-78
Artikel i tidskriftQuadrupole LA-ICP-MS U/Pb geochronology of baddeleyite single crystals
Cora C. Wohlgemuth-Ueberwasser, Ulf Söderlund, Victoria Pease, Mimmi Nilsson
(2015) Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 30 p.1191-1196
Artikel i tidskriftGeochronology and geochemical evidence for a magmatic arc setting for the Ni-Cu mineralised 1.79Ga Kleva gabbro-diorite intrusive complex, southeast Sweden
Karolina Bjärnborg, Anders Scherstén, Ulf Söderlund, Wolfgang D. Maier
(2015) GFF, 137 p.83-101
Artikel i tidskriftA paleomagnetic and U-Pb geochronology study of the western end of the Grenville dyke swarm: Rapid changes in paleomagnetic field direction at ca. 585 Ma related to polarity reversals?
Henry C. Halls, Alan Lovette, Mike Hamilton, Ulf Söderlund
(2015) Precambrian Research, 257 p.137-166
Artikel i tidskriftRift magmatism on the Eurasia basin margin: U-Pb baddeleyite ages of alkaline dyke swarms in North Greenland
Sigurjon B. Thorarinsson, Ulf Söderlund, Arne Dossing, Paul M. Holm, Richard E. Ernst, et al.
(2015) Journal of the Geological Society, 172 p.721-726
Artikel i tidskriftPaleomagnetism and U-Pb age of the 2.4 Ga Erayinia mafic dykes in the south-western Yilgarn, Western Australia: Paleogeographic and geodynamic implications
Sergei A. Pisarevsky, Bert De Waele, Sarah Jones, Ulf Söderlund, Richard E. Ernst
(2015) Precambrian Research, 259 p.222-231
Artikel i tidskriftU-Pb geochronology and paleomagnetism of the Westerberg Sill Suite, Kaapvaal Craton - Support for a coherent Kaapvaal-Pilbara Block (Vaalbara) into the Paleoproterozoic?
Tobias Kampmann, Ashley Gumsley, Michiel O. de Kock, Ulf Söderlund
(2015) Precambrian Research, 269 p.58-72
Artikel i tidskriftPrecise U-Pb baddeleyite age dating of the Usushwana Complex, southern Africa - Implications for the Mesoarchaean magmatic and sedimentological evolution of the Pongola Supergroup, Kaapvaal Craton
Ashley Gumsley, Johan Olsson, Ulf Söderlund, Michiel de Kock, Axel Hofmann, et al.
(2015) Precambrian Research, 267 p.174-185
Artikel i tidskriftHigh-precision dating of the Kalkarindji large igneous province, Australia, and synchrony with the Early-Middle Cambrian (Stage 4-5) extinction
F. Jourdan, K. Hodges, B. Sell, U. Schaltegger, M. T. D. Wingate, et al.
(2014) Geology, 42 p.543-546
Artikel i tidskriftPaleomagnetic and geochronological studies on Paleoproterozoic diabase dykes of Karelia, East Finland-Key for testing the Superia supercraton
J. Salminen, H. C. Halls, S. Mertanen, L. J. Pesonen, J. Vuollo, et al.
(2014) Precambrian Research, 244 p.87-99
Artikel i tidskriftDykes of the 1.11 Ga Umkondo LIP, Southern Africa: Clues to a complex plumbing system
Michiel O. de Kocka, Richard Ernst, Ulf Söderlund, Fred Jourdan, Axel Hofmann, et al.
(2014) Precambrian Research, 249 p.129-143
Artikel i tidskriftMetamorphic zircon formation at the transition from gabbro to eclogite in Trollheimen-Surnadalen, Norwegian Caledonides
Victoria Beckman, Charlotte Möller, Ulf Söderlund, Fernando Corfu, Jan Pallon, et al.
(2014) Geological Society Special Publication, 390 p.403-424
Artikel i tidskriftThe age of the Kleva intrusion, southeast Sweden
Karolina Bjärnborg, Anders Scherstén, Ulf Söderlund, Wolfgang Maier
(2013) Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world : Proceedings of the 12th Biennial SGA Meeting, 12-15 August 2013, Uppsala, Sweden , p.1647-1649
KonferensbidragThe ca. 1380 Ma Mashak igneous event of the Southern Urals
Victor N. Puchkov, Svetlana V. Bogdanova, Richard E. Ernst, Vjacheslav I. Kozlov, Arthur A. Krasnobaev, et al.
(2013) Lithos, 174 p.109-124
Artikel i tidskriftPalaeomagnetic, geochronological and geochemical study of Mesoproterozoic Lakhna Dykes in the Bastar Craton, India: Implications for the Mesoproterozoic supercontinent
Sergei A. Pisarevsky, Tapas Kumar Biswal, Xuan-Ce Wang, Bert De Waele, Richard Ernst, et al.
(2013) Lithos, 174 p.125-143
Artikel i tidskriftReply to Comment on "U-Pb baddeleyite ages and geochemistry of dolerite dykes in the Bas-Draa inlier of the Anti-Atlas of Morocco: Newly identified 1380 Ma event in the West African Craton" by Andre Michard and Dominique Gasquet
Ulf Söderlund, Mauricio Ibanez-Mejia, Abdelhakim El Bahat, Richard E. Ernst, Moha Ikenne, et al.
(2013) Lithos, 174 p.101-108
Artikel i tidskriftPalaeoproterozoic porphyry Cu-Au, intrusion-hosted Au and ultramafic Cu-Ni deposits in the Fennoscandian Shield: Temporal constraints using U-Pb geochronology
Therese Bejgarn, Ulf Söderlund, Par Weihed, Hans Areback, Richard E. Ernst
(2013) Lithos, 174 p.236-254
Artikel i tidskriftLarge Igneous Provinces and supercontinents: Toward completing the plate tectonic revolution
Richard E. Ernst, Wouter Bleeker, Ulf Söderlund, Andrew C. Kerr
(2013) Lithos, 174 p.1-14
Artikel i tidskriftU-Pb ages and geochemistry of mafic dyke swarms from the Uaua Block, Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil: LIPs remnants relevant for Late Archaean break-up of a supercraton
E. P. Oliveira, E. M. Silveira, Ulf Söderlund, R. E. Ernst
(2013) Lithos, 174 p.308-322
Artikel i tidskriftThe Hlagothi Complex: The identification of fragments from a Mesoarchaean large igneous province on the Kaapvaal Craton
A. P. Gumsley, M. O. de Kock, H. M. Rajesh, M. W. Knoper, Ulf Söderlund, et al.
(2013) Lithos, 174 p.333-348
Artikel i tidskriftThe first evidence of Paleoproterozoic late-collision basite magmatism in the near-Sayan salient of the Siberian craton basement
D. P. Gladkochub, S. A. Pisarevsky, A. M. Mazukabzov, Ulf Söderlund, E. V. Sklyarov, et al.
(2013) Doklady Earth Sciences, 450 p.583-586
Artikel i tidskriftThe Ahmeyim Great Dyke of Mauritania: A newly dated Archaean intrusion
J. Tait, G. Straathof, Ulf Söderlund, R. E. Ernst, R. Key, et al.
(2013) Lithos, 174 p.323-332
Artikel i tidskriftU-Pb baddeleyite ages and geochemistry of dolerite dykes in the Bas Draa Inlier of the Anti-Atlas of Morocco: Newly identified 1380 Ma event in the West African Craton
Abdelhakim El Bahat, Moho Ikenne, Ulf Söderlund, Brian Cousens, Nasrrddine Youbi, et al.
(2013) Lithos, 174 p.85-98
Artikel i tidskriftPrecise U-Pb ages and geochemistry of Palaeoproterozoic mafic dykes from southern West Greenland: Linking the North Atlantic and the Dharwar cratons
Mimmi Nilsson, M. B. Klausen, Ulf Söderlund, R. E. Ernst
(2013) Lithos, 174 p.255-270
Artikel i tidskriftFirst precise U-Pb baddeleyite ages of 1500 Ma mafic dykes from the Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil, and tectonic implications
E. M. Silveira, Ulf Söderlund, E. P. Oliveira, R. E. Ernst, A. B. Menezes Leal
(2013) Lithos, 174 p.144-156
Artikel i tidskriftThe 1750 Ma Magmatic Event of the West African Craton (Anti-Atlas, Morocco)
Nasrrddine Youbi, Djiky Kouyate, Ulf Söderlund, Richard E. Ernst, Abderrahmane Soulaimani, et al.
(2013) Precambrian Research, 236 p.106-123
Artikel i tidskriftTrading partners: Tectonic ancestry of southern Africa and western Australia, in Archean supercratons Vaalbara and Zimgarn
Aleksey V. Smirnov, David A. D. Evans, Richard E. Ernst, Ulf Söderlund, Zheng-Xiang Li
(2013) Precambrian Research, 224 p.11-22
Artikel i tidskriftU-Pb baddeleyite and zircon ages of 2040 Ma, 1650 Ma and 885 Ma on dolerites in the West African Craton (Anti-Atlas inliers): Possible links to break-up of Precambrian supercontinents
Djiky Kouyate, Ulf Söderlund, Nasrrddine Youbi, Richard Ernst, Ahmid Hafid, et al.
(2013) Lithos, 174 p.71-84
Artikel i tidskriftProterozoic basic magmatism of the Siberian Craton: Main stages and their geodynamic interpretation
D. P. Gladkochub, T. V. Donskaya, R. Ernst, A. M. Mazukabzov, E. V. Sklyarov, et al.
(2012) Geotectonics, 46 p.273-284
Artikel i tidskriftU-Pb (zircon) age constraints on the timing and duration of Wen lock (Silurian) paleocommunity collapse and recovery during the "Big Crisis"
Bradley D. Cramer, Daniel J. Condon, Ulf Söderlund, Carly Marshall, Graham J. Worton, et al.
(2012) Geological Society of America Bulletin, 124 p.1841-1857
Artikel i tidskriftTracing the 1271-1246 Ma Central Scandinavian Dolerite Group mafic magmatism in Fennoscandia: U-Pb baddeleyite and Hf isotope data on the Moslatt and Borgefjell dolerites
Linus Brander, Ulf Söderlund, Bernard Bingen
(2011) Geological Magazine, 148 p.632-643
Artikel i tidskriftA late Archaean radiating dyke swarm as possible clue to the origin of the Bushveld Complex
Johan Olsson, Ulf Söderlund, Michael A. Hamilton, Martin B. Klausen, George R. Helffrich
(2011) Nature Geoscience, 4 p.865-869
Artikel i tidskriftThermochronology of the Talkeetna intraoceanic arc of Alaska: Ar/Ar, U-Th/He, Sm-Nd, and Lu-Hf dating
B. R. Hacker, Peter B. Kelemen, Matthew Rioux, Michael O. McWilliams, Philip B. Gans, et al.
(2011) Tectonics, 30
Artikel i tidskriftMesozoic rift magmatism in the North Sea region: Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronology of Scanian basalts and geochemical constraints
Ingemar Bergelin, Karsten Obst, Ulf Söderlund, Kent Larsson, Leif Johansson
(2011) International Journal of Earth Sciences, 100 p.787-804
Artikel i tidskriftU-Pb baddeleyite ages, distribution and geochemistry of 925 Ma mafic dykes and 900 Ma sills in the North China craton: Evidence for a Neoproterozoic mantle plume
Peng Peng, Wouter Bleeker, Richard E. Ernst, Ulf Söderlund, Vicki McNicoll
(2011) Lithos, 127 p.210-221
Artikel i tidskriftProterozoic Magmatic Events of the Slave Craton, Wopmay Orogen and Environs
K.L. Buchan, R.E. Ernst, W. Bleeker, W. Davies, M. Villeneuve, et al.
(2010) Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 5985
RapportProterozoic mafic magmatism in Siberian craton: An overview and implications for paleocontinental reconstruction
Dmitry P. Gladkochub, Sergei A. Pisarevsky, Tatiana V. Donskaya, Richard E. Ernst, Michael T. D. Wingate, et al.
(2010) Precambrian Research, 183 p.660-668
Artikel i tidskriftU-Pb baddeleyite linking major Archean dyke swarms to volcanic-rift forming events in the Kaapvaal craton (South Africa), and a precise age for the Bushveld Complex
Johan Olsson, Ulf Söderlund, Martin Klausen, Richard Ernst
(2010) Precambrian Research, 183 p.490-500
Artikel i tidskriftA new key pole for the East European Craton at 1452 Ma: Palaeomagnetic and geochronological constraints from mafic rocks in the Lake Ladoga region (Russian Karelia)
Natalia V. Lubnina, Satu Mertanen, Ulf Söderlund, Svetlana Bogdanova, Tatiana I. Vasilieva, et al.
(2010) Precambrian Research, 183 p.442-462
Artikel i tidskriftPrecise U-Pb baddeleyite ages of mafic dykes and intrusions in southern West Greenland and implications for a possible reconstruction with the Superior craton
Mimmi K. M. Nilsson, Ulf Söderlund, Richard E. Ernst, Michael A. Hamilton, Anders Scherstén, et al.
(2010) Precambrian Research, 183 p.399-415
Artikel i tidskriftPaleomagnetic study of NeoArchean-Paleoproterozoic dykes in the Kaapvaal Craton
Natalia Lubnina, Richard Ernst, Martin Klausen, Ulf Söderlund
(2010) Precambrian Research, 183 p.523-552
Artikel i tidskriftPetrological discrimination among Precambrian dyke swarms: eastern Kaapvaal craton (South Africa)
M.B. Klausen, Ulf Söderlund, Johan Olsson, R.E. Ernst, M. Amoogam, et al.
(2010) Precambrian Research, 183 p.501-522
Artikel i tidskriftTowards a complete magmatic barcode for the Zimbabwe craton: baddeleyite U-Pb dating of regional dolerite dyke swarms and sill complexes
Ulf Söderlund, Axel Hofmann, Martin Klausen, Johan Olsson, Richard Ernst, et al.
(2010) Precambrian Research, 183 p.388-398
Artikel i tidskriftLarge igneous province of about 1750 Ma in the Siberian Craton
D. P. Gladkochub, S. A. Pisarevsky, R. Ernst, T. V. Donskaya, Ulf Söderlund, et al.
(2010) Doklady Earth Sciences, 430 p.168-171
Artikel i tidskriftProterozoic Basic dykes in the Ukrainian Shield: A palaeomagnetic, geochronologic and geochemical study-The accretion of the Ukrainian Shield to Fennoscandia
S.-Å. Elming, L Schumlyanskyy, S Kravchenko, P Layer, Ulf Söderlund
(2010) Precambrian Research, 178 p.119-135
Artikel i tidskriftU-Pb baddeleyite ages linking major Archean dyke swarms to volcanic-rift forming events in the Kaapvaal craton (South Africa), and a precise age for the Bushveld Complex
J. R. Olsson, Ulf Söderlund, M. B. Klausen, R. E. Ernst
(2010) Precambrian Research, 183 p.490-500
Artikel i tidskriftRegional-scale 2.6-1.9 Ga Large Igneous Provinces of Zimbabwe
Ulf Söderlund, A. Hofmann, M.B. Klausen, Johan Olsson, R.E. Ernst, et al.
(2009) LIP of the Month
RapportThe Mesoproterozoic (1.47-1.44 Ga) orogenic magmatism in Fennoscandia; Baddeleyite U-Pb dating of a suite of massif-type anorthosites in S Sweden
Linus Brander, Ulf Söderlund
(2009) International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98 p.499-516
Artikel i tidskriftProterozoic Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) of Siberia
D.P. Gladkochub, S.A. Pisarevsky, T.V. Donskaya, R.E. Ernst, M.T.D. Wingate, et al.
(2009) LIP of the Month
RapportDiabasen vid Runamo
Mikael Calner, G. Håkansson, Ulf Söderlund
(2009) Geologiskt Forum, 62 p.14-17
Artikel i tidskriftGeochronology of high-pressure mafic granulite dykes in SW Sweden; tracking the P-T-t path of metamorphism using Hf isotopes in zircon and baddeleyite
Ulf Söderlund, Hellström Fredrik, Kamo Sandra
(2008) Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 26 p.539-560
Artikel i tidskriftPalaeogeography and evolution of the East European Craton (Baltica) at
Natalia Lubnina, Satu Mertanen, Svetlana Bogdanova, Ulf Söderlund
(2008) [Publication information missing] , p.102-103
Konferensbidrag: abstractThe Kullaberg peninsula – a glimpse of the Proterozoic evolution of SW Fennoscandia
Ulf Söderlund, Christine Karlsson, Leif Johansson, Kent Larsson
(2008) GFF, 130 p.1-10
Artikel i tidskriftThe Mesoproterozoic from Finland to Greenland
Bernard Bingen, Jenny Andersson, Ulf Söderlund, Charlotte Möller
(2008) Episodes, 31
Artikel i tidskriftThe Mesoproterozoic in the Nordic countries
Bernard Bingen, Jenny Andersson, Ulf Söderlund, Charlotte Möller
(2008) Episodes, 31 p.29-34
Artikel i tidskrift40Ar/39Ar biotite and hornblende geochronology from the Oskarshamn area, SE Sweden: Discerning multiple Proterozoic tectonothermal events
Pia Söderlund, Laurence Page, Ulf Söderlund
(2008) Geological Magazine, 145 p.790-799
Artikel i tidskriftCorrelation of Silurian bentonites from Gotland and the eastern Baltic using sanidine phenocryst composition, and biostratigraphical consequences
T. Kiipli, Jeppsson L, T Kallaste, Ulf Söderlund
(2008) Journal of the Geological Society, 165 p.211-220
Artikel i tidskriftOskarshamn site investigation. Modal and geochemical analyses of drill core samples 2007, and 40Ar/39Ar dating of a dolerite
Carl-Henrik Wahlgren, Torbjörn Bergman, Martin Ahl, M Ekström, Laurence Page, et al.
(2007) SGU report P-07-191
RapportMesoproterozoic bimodal magmatism along the Protogine Zone, S Sweden: three magmatic pulses at 1.56, 1.22 and 1.205 Ga, and regional implications
Ulf Söderlund, Rikard Ask
(2006) GFF, 128 p.303-310
Artikel i tidskriftThe Ulvo Gabbro Complex of the 1.27-1.25 Ga Central Scandinavian Dolerite Group (CSDG): Intrusive age, magmatic setting and metamorphic history
KJ Hogmalm, Ulf Söderlund, SA Larson, WP Meurer, FA Hellstrom, et al.
(2006) GFF, 128 p.1-6
Artikel i tidskriftU-Pb baddeleyite ages of Meso- and Neoproterozoic dykes and sills in central Fennoscandia: a review
Ulf Söderlund
(2006) Dyke Swarms - Time Markers of Crustal Evolition , p.75-84
KonferensbidragThe Central Scandinavian Dolerite Group - Protracted hotspot activity or back-arc magmatism? Constraints from U-Pb baddeleyite geochronology and Hf isotopic data
Ulf Söderlund, Sten-Ake Elming, Richard Ernst, Don Schissel
(2006) Precambrian Research, 150 p.136-152
Artikel i tidskriftProvenance of Late Ordovician clastic sedimentary rocks in Jämtland, central Sweden
Peter Dahlqvist, Leif Johansson, Ulf Söderlund
(2006) GFF, 128 p.311-320
Artikel i tidskriftU-Pb baddeleyite ages and Hf, Nd isotope chemistry constraining repeated mafic magmatism in the Fennoscandian Shield from 1.6 to 0.9 Ga
Ulf Söderlund, CE Isachsen, Göran Bylund, LM Heaman, PJ Jonathan Patchett, et al.
(2005) Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 150 p.174-194
Artikel i tidskriftLu-Hf apatite geochronology of mafic cumulates: An example from a Fe-Ti mineralization at Smalands Taberg, southern Sweden
Daniel Larsson, Ulf Söderlund
(2005) Chemical Geology, 224 p.201-211
Artikel i tidskriftLu-Hf and Sm-Nd isotopic systematics in chondrites and their constraints on the Lu-Hf properties of the Earth
P. Jonathan Patchett, Jeffrey D. Vervoort, Ulf Söderlund, Vincent J.M. Salters
(2004) Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 222 p.29-41
Artikel i tidskriftThe decay constant of 176Lu determined from Lu-Hf and U-Pb isotope systematics of terrestrial Precambrian high-temperature mafic intrusions
Ulf Söderlund, P. Jonathan Patchett, Jeffrey D. Vervoort, Clark E. Isachsen
(2004) Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 219 p.311-324
Artikel i tidskriftThe isotopic composition of Yb and the precise and accurate determination of Lu concentrations and Lu/Hf ratios by isotope dilution using MC-ICPMS
Jeffrey D. Vervoort, P. Jonathan Patchett, Ulf Söderlund, Mark Baker
(2004) Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 5 p.1-15
Artikel i tidskriftPetrology and ion microprobe U-Pb chronology applied to a metabasic intrusion in southern Sweden: A study on zircon formation during metamorphism and deformation
Pia Söderlund, Ulf Söderlund, Charlotte Möller, Roland Gorbatschev, Agnes Rodhe
(2004) Tectonics, 23
Artikel i tidskriftZircon geochronology in polymetamorphic gneisses in the Sveconorwegian orogen, SW Sweden: ion microprobe evidence for 1.46-1.42 and 0.98-0.96 Ga reworking
Ulf Söderlund, Charlotte Möller, Jenny Andersson, Leif Johansson, M Whitehouse
(2002) Precambrian Research, 113 p.193-225
Artikel i tidskriftA simple way to extract baddeleyite (ZrO2)
Ulf Söderlund, Leif Johansson
(2002) Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 3 p.1-7
Artikel i tidskriftGeochronology of eclogite facies metamorphism in the Sveconorwegian Province of SW Sweden
Leif Johansson, Charlotte Möller, Ulf Söderlund
(2001) Precambrian Research, 106 p.261-275
Artikel i tidskriftReply to discussion on " Sveconorwegian (Grenvillian) deformation, metamorphism and leucosome formation in SW Sweden, SW Baltic Shield: constraints from a Mesoproterozoic granite intrusion
Jenny Andersson, Ulf Söderlund, David Cornell, Leif Johansson, Charlotte Möller
(2001) Precambrian Research, 106 p.333-337
Artikel i tidskriftGeochronology of Tectonothermal Events in the Parautochthonous Eastern Segment of the Sveconorwegian (Grenvillian) Orogen, Southwestern Sweden
Ulf Söderlund
DoktorsavhandlingSveconorwegian (-Grenvillian) deformation, metamorphism and leucosome formation in SW Sweden, SW Baltic Shield: constraints from a Mesoproterozoic granite intrusion
Jenny Andersson, Ulf Söderlund, David Cornell, Leif Johansson, Charlotte Möller
(1999) Precambrian Research, 98 p.151-171
Artikel i tidskriftProtolith ages and timing of deformation in the eastern, marginal part of the Sveconorwegian orogen, southwestern Sweden
Ulf Söderlund, Per-Olof Persson, Lars-Gunnar Jarl, Mikael Stephens, Carl-Henrik Wahlgren
(1999) Precambrian Research, 94 p.29-48
Artikel i tidskriftConstraints on syn-intrusive ca. 1.8 Ga conglomerate deposits associated with the Småland-Värmland Belt, SE Sweden; Pb-Pb zircon evaporation dating of the Malmbäck conglomerate
Ulf Söderlund, Agnes Rohde
(1998) GFF, 120 p.69-74
Artikel i tidskriftU-Pb and Sm-Nd dating of high-pressure granulite- and upper amphibolite facies rocks from SW Sweden
Xiang.Dong Wang, Ulf Söderlund, Anders Lindh, Leif Johansson
(1998) Precambrian Research, 92 p.319-339
Artikel i tidskriftAge constraints on the regional deformation within the Eastern Segment, S. Sweden: Late Sveconorwegian granite dyke intrusion and metamorphic-deformational relations
Charlotte Möller, Ulf Söderlund
(1997) GFF , p.1-12
Artikel i tidskriftA Sveconorwegian zone (system?) within the Eastern Segment, Sveconorwegian orogen of SW Sweden - a first report
Charlotte Möller, Jenny Andersson, Ulf Söderlund, Leif Johansson
(1997) GFF, 119 p.73-78
Artikel i tidskriftSveconorwegian high-grade regional reworking in the Eastern Segment, SW Sweden: cause, character, and consequences
Charlotte Möller, Ulf Söderlund
(1997) GFF, 119 p.253-254
Artikel i tidskriftSouthwest-Swedish Granulite Region
Charlotte Möller, Leif Johansson, Jenny Andersson, Ulf Söderlund
(1996) European Journal of Mineralogy, 8 p.1-41
Artikel i tidskriftConventional U-Pb multigrain dating vs. single zircon evaporation dating of complex zircons from a pegmatite in the high-grade gneisses of southwestern Sweden
Ulf Söderlund
(1996) Lithos, 38 p.93-105
Artikel i tidskriftInterpreting the history of the southern part of the Eastern Segment, the Sveconorwegian Orogen of SW Sweden: a discussion
Leif Johansson, Charlotte Möller, Ulf Söderlund, Anders Lindh, Xiang-Dong Wang
(1996) GFF, 118 p.187-192
Artikel i tidskriftComplex zircons from an amphibolite in SW Sweden; age-constraints by U-Pb and Pb-Pb chronology of metamorphic zircon growth during the Sveconorwegian orogeny
Ulf Söderlund, Xiangdong Wang
(1996) PhD thesis of Xiangdong Wang, Lund University. 93 pp. , p.1-15
Artikel i tidskrift