Charlotte Möller

Tracking the prograde P–T path of Precambrian eclogite using Ti-in-quartz and Zr-in-rutile geothermobarometry
Summary, in English
A Fe–Ti-rich garnet, clinopyroxene, and quartz eclogite sample from the 1.0 Ga Sveconorwegian orogen, SW Sweden, contains abundant quartz, rutile, and zircon in distinct micro-textural sites: garnet core, garnet rim, and matrix, constituting an ideal case for investigation of the behavior of Zr-in-rutile and Ti-in-quartz at high-pressure and temperature. A P–T path, peaking at 16.5–19 kbar and 850–900 °C, has been constrained independently for the same rock by pseudosection modelling; input pressures from this model were used for trace element geothermometry of each garnet micro-textural domain. Trace element thermo(baro)metry, based on in situ Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry analyses of Ti contents in quartz and Zr contents in rutile, yields P–T estimates of progressive crystallization of quartz and rutile along the prograde metamorphic path. For inclusions in the garnet cores, Zr-in-rutile geothermometry yields 700–715 °C and Ti-in-quartz 620–640 °C at 7 kbar. For inclusions in the garnet rims, temperature estimates are 760–790 °C (Zr-in-rutile) and 740–920 °C (Ti-in-quartz) at 12–18 kbar. Finally, matrix rutile records 775–800 °C and locally ~ 900 °C, and quartz records temperatures up to 900 °C at 18 kbar. Ti-in-quartz estimates for the metamorphic peak (inclusions in the garnet rims and matrix) conform to the pseudosection, but appear too low for the early prograde stage (garnet cores), possibly due to lack of equilibrium at T < 700 °C. The pseudosection shows that rutile was produced by continuous ilmenite breakdown during the early stages of prograde metamorphism, a reaction that was completed at ~ 730 °C. Rutile grains in the garnet rims and the matrix grew subsequently larger by recrystallization of previously produced rutile. However, recrystallized rutile does not predominantly record peak temperatures, but instead yield 745–840 °C between 12 and 18 kbar. In the pseudosection, this temperature range broadly coincides with a stage during which (Ti-bearing) hornblende was consumed and clinopyroxene produced (i.e., dehydration); the Zr contents thus appear to reflect the last stage of efficient rutile recrystallization, catalysed by fluids released by the dehydration of hornblende preceding the metamorphic peak. Concurrently, combination of the isopleths for Ti content in quartz and Zr content in rutile (i.e. independent from pseudosection modelling) yields pressure and temperature conditions in almost perfect agreement with the P–T path as deduced from the pseudosection. The variation in Ti concentration in quartz is small regardless of crystal size, and the Ti-in-quartz geothermometer provides both precise and accurate peak temperatures of 875–920 °C, without a significant diffusional reequilibration. The lack of significant Ti diffusion in quartz is consistent with an inferred short residence time at high temperature. This study illustrates that Zr-in-rutile and Ti-in-quartz geothermobarometry can robustly constrain prograde P–T conditions and yield further insights into recrystallization processes at high temperature. The combination of these methods and integration of the results with pseudosection modelling is a versatile tool for investigating the petrologic history of high-grade rocks.
- Geologiska institutionen
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
Artikel i tidskrift
- Geochemistry
- Eclogite
- Prograde P–T path
- Sveconorwegian
- Ti-in-quartz
- Zr-in-rutile
- ISSN: 0010-7999